Sunday, 14 August 2011

Cant Repeat Enough "Dont over value"

Following a recent statement by the National Association of Estate agents claiming the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors are knowingly under valuing homes, we thought we woudl side with the RICS on this one.

So the tip is simple do not over value your house, get a proper valuation by a registered survey one which is an RICS member check out for a full list, listen to what they say and unlike estate agents RICS members are not interested in taking a high commission for over valuing your house, so they are only interested in giving you a correct value based on the market, property and nothing else.

Think of it this way would you rather sell your house or be sitting on it for years, simply because its priced out of the market.

So in short
  1. Get your house valued by a qualified surveyor, check out 
  2. Dont be tempted by an agency to advertise for a higher price unless you are willing to have your house on the market for longer with a possible price reduction at a later stage.
  3. Just remember surveyors are the only people qualified to give you an accurate market price, everyone else is just giving you a best guess.
If you want to make money from property investing and real estate investing, either join a program or buy a house for that purpose, over valuing your home is only going to end in trouble.