When you are selling your house it is too tempting to dilute the interest by using multiple agencies, this fits into the tie in agreement a lot of agencies have. When you are trying to sell your house look around at the agencies and find the one that is best for your house.
This may be an online agency such as BuzzProperties.co.uk or one of the many high street agencies, in any case you want to use a specialist agency, and not simply put your house in every agency.
Think of it this way, you go to a supermarket for food, a garage for petrol and so on. Do the same with your house look at the agencies, and if you are selling a country house, use a specialist agent, just the same as if your selling a house in the town. Choose as few agents as possible, as this will help you retain value in your house, as if people see your house is for sale in several agents its a clear sign that its not selling, and opens you up to price negotiations.
So think of it this way the current UK planning regulations are the way they are for a reason, only have 2 or less for sale signs outside your house, not only looks better, but helps you get a better price for your house.
So spend time finding the right agent, instead of using every agent.
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